It’s the year of earth pig, so the element of earth is dominant in 2019. Anything related to this earth element might be significant or important in 2019 – symbolically and factually. This type of earth element is a big muddy which is a metaphor for this year too. As you’ve probably observed, in every aspect of life, from personal to professional to social to political to global – there is a certain confusion, division and lack of clarity. It all seems a bit ‘muddy’ at the moment (see Brexit in the UK). So CLARITY is an important mindset to be cultivated in 2019. What brings clarity? Peace and switching off from daily life as well as not taking things personally. You can feel it personally but don’t take it personally – stay detached and witness the spectacle of life. Probably the most important thing you can do this year is to find time to switch off, go off-grid media-wise and electro-smog-wise, meditate, spend time in nature on your own and recharge yourself on all levels, environmental, physical, emotiona
l, mental and spiritual. If you allow yourself for at least 20-min of recuperating time during the day, you’ll build your clarity and resilience. Good, healthy sleep – especially deep sleep – is another chance to recuperate and rejuvenate, so make sure that your bedroom has good feng shui (start with switching off wifi for the night, etc.). From time to time pause technology and choose consciously where your energy needs to go. Choose to live consciously and on purpose each and every day of the year.
The colour of the earth element is yellow or brown. But according to Pantone colour trensetters– the colour for 2019 is coral. Read more about coral – the colour for 2019.
Do something new. To celebrate the New Chinese Year which last five days – wear something brand new. Get a new purse if prosperity and wealth creation is important for you. Go for Chinese food – I suggest Yauatcha in London which I feng shui-ed (plug:). Start something new – anything – a new project – set up a file on your computer – your intention will count – you have five days – or actually, anytime is good. Write down your personal and professional values for 2019 – what you want this year – health, happiness, wealth, love, success, opportunities. Your values connect you to the right forces and energies that channel grace to your life. For example, if love and harmonious relationships are important for you in 2019, read my blog with top feng shui tips for love and harmonious relationships and Valentine’s Day. Traditionally, get nine oranges and place them somewhere visible in your home for five days.
Make your bagua collage, vision board for 2019 – and place it next to your bed or somewhere visible – to prime yourself and your non-conscious mind to notice and grasp opportunities you want in your life. Write down your goals for 2019 in each section of bagua and/or get some images to represent what you want. Remember, feng shui is a way of ritualising your prayers or intentions. world of feng shui = intention + energy/power + ritual.
If you’re into classical feng shui – hang a metal windchime in the south-west part of your home or workplace. Apparently, the negative energy is coming from that direction in 2019.
Get a piggy bank – ideally made of ceramic (earth element) and start adding some coins and banknotes. Place your piggy bank near the door or in the wealth corner of your home or office.
Change your doormat. A star doormat would connect you to a larger life and help with your spiritual development.
For prosperity and wealth creation, do some basic space clearing and de-cluttering. To boost your luck factor – read The Luck Factor by Richard Wiseman
For your spiritual development – get a Himalayan salt lamp (earth element) and keep it switched on.
Call your feng shui consultants for the feng shui MOT for 2019 – or call/text/Whatsapp me on +44 7956 288574 or email me